How to protect your business and home in 3 easy steps
Knowing simply how to make our home and business more secure requires insight to activities criminals make. This seems like such a daunting task, and who really has the time to figure this out besides security companies? This is why we are here. We dedicate ourselves to educating our customers and clients with the best knowlegede and methods to not only defends one's home or business, but to PREVENT a burglary or home invasion.
Step one, make sure that you keep the areas around your home or business clear of debris. Debris can be used as tools to break into a home or business. Look at the outside of your home. Can you see inside of your home or business with ease? If you cannot see into your windows because of blinds, then your right on track. Criminals take note of items in your home just by looking into your windows from the street. They can use their cameras on their phones, to peer into your building with ease. Do you have bushes blocking your view from your windows? You will want to have the tatical advantage of being able to see out your window, but not people looking into your window. Most robberies are set up in a step process. The person who cases the building is posing as a utility worker to gain access into your home, or as a church memeber going from door to door posing, to gain c. Or they will post flyers just to simply see if you have security systems in the front or rear of your home. Is your home adjacent to a alleyway? A fence is a great way to discourage the would be burglars, especially if you have items in your back yard that can be easily stolen.
Two, would be robbers mark the outside of your home with things we would over look. Such as twist ties, zip cords, plastic bags, anything that maybe over looked. Keep debris clear from your home.
Security Cameras placed on the front , back of your home will discourage them from not only attempting to rob your home while your away but even your neighbors homes as well. The cameras placed high where they cannot just walk up to it from the side, and simply break it. In a high visible place, with a steady stream of electricity to it. Also placing a hidden security camera in a nearby tree to observe any activity on the "other side" of the fence can give you an tatical advantage to see what they are up to before they attempt to break in, allows you to call the police in advance.
Three, proactive cameras will enable you to prevent a robbery while your "away" from home. It has a two way audio, recording feature, snap shot feature, siren alarm at 10db, motion sensors up to 15 feet or greater in some systems. You can engage with them with a notification to your phone through an app, which allows you to open instantly and begin stopping them. "Making them believe your home" is the most effective tool in not only scaring them away but they will pass the word out int the community of thieves, that you home is secure with a security system. Also you can keep track of these would be thieves by posting their picture on social media, will bring more attention to the crooks, which is what they do not want. A crooks "Modus Operandi " is simply to be NOT seen, or Heard. Monitored companies cannot give you the right tools in doing this. With us at Home Security Consultant LLC., you will be able to install these devices in a matter of minutes with ease, 'even a fifth grader can do this', you only pay for the product and consultation. There are no monthly fees, no memebership fees, no telecommunication fees, rental fees, tax fees, no hidden fees. Making an investment one camera at a time is the best approach. And here at H.S.C. LLC, we can help you achieve these goals quickly! We work to make the products cost effective, thus saving you MONEY$$ in the long term.
So if your serious about saving money, protecting your family, we are the only ones you can trust! Call us today to see how we can help you with ease. (815)238-3005. Or you can email us at Our motto is "A secure plan is better than no plan".